Jun 02, 2012: Shop Closed!!

Seven years ago, I made a nursing necklace for my daughter and posted a picture of it on my personal blog to show how I'd finally solved my problems with my then-baby's explory-fingers and hair yanking habits.
Friends of mine asked me to make them one too, and then friends of theirs saw their loops and I started getting requests from strangers.
I decided to go ahead and register a business and my beading hobby turned into a blossoming business and that has been a wonderful experience and I've enjoyed making shiny objects to share with others immensely.
But last year, my family traveled to Vancouver BC Canada for a summer vacation abroad, and we fell in love with the city and decided we were going to take the plunge and find a way to make it our new home. We came back and filed some immigration paperwork and we are setting out to make a new life for ourselves there. New city, new home, new friends, new culture, new opportunities....
Until my paperwork comes through, I'm going to be "visiting", getting the kids settled into their new school and exploring the new environment - and then plan to settle there officially when my residency status changes. In the meantime, I am excited to embark on all kinds of new paths that are opening up for me - including pursuing other career opportunities which will give me a chance to meet more people and do new things, ones that don't necessarily revolve around the beading. My littlest one is now long past the age of pulling my hair, and I've moved on in interests both in terms of the type of beadwork I like to play with and in other areas as well.
I won't be able to maintain the business with all the other things going on, so I'm closing my shop as of June 1st and will no longer be doing online sales.
And while I still love beading (and believe me, it has been very hard to leave behind my studio and the majority of my bead collection) - it will go back to a very small-scale occasional-hobby sort of thing and not anything that can hold up any kind of commercial interests.
I am also very excited about the changes we will be facing, and am dipping my toes back into the technology pools where I used to play before beading took over, and have even started up a new blog where I plan to write about all the cool things there are to do in Vancouver, BC.
It has been an absolute pleasure to create so many things and get to meet so many fantastic people who have been enjoying the works I have made over the years.
Thanks so much to all of my wonderful customers - it has really been such a great ride and your support over the years has been really fantastic!
I hope you all find an outlet for your inspirations which has been as fun as this website has been for me :)
Apr 01, 2012: Moving and Closing Shop soon!
So, you may have noticed a huge slow-down in activity on here lately. It's true - there have been months where I really haven't had much opportunity to be around my beadwork. The reason has been because we've been doing a lot of traveling to
Vancouver Canada. We spent the summer there which was supposed to cure us of our desire to move there, but apparently it didn't work, because we came back and took the plunge to get paperwork going to find a way to make it our home.
So with the upcoming move, I'm probably not going to be adding much new stuff here, and will be clearing out what I can in the upcoming months. I plan to close down this shop completely when I go up there, at least for the foreseeable future, and to turn the beading back into my hobby rather than any sort of business.
Here's to new adventures!
Mar 10, 2012: HUGE Clearance Sale
I am going through and marking LOTS of new stuff down for clearance. $10 and $5 sales, and a bunch of other stuff being marked down more than 50%! Check out the
SALE PAGE for more details, and I'll be adding stuff to it thoughout the weekend.
Nov 15, 2011: Deal of the Day - SAVE 40%!
Today's special:
Marked down from $52.00 - NOW $31.20
Astral Projections
Nov 11, 2011: Regarding inquiries with no replies...
Hey, if you've emailed me in the past week, and havent heard back - please try again!
*and please make double-sure of the return email address!*
My contact form has no way of spellchecking that.
I've gotten a couple of inquiries to which I haven't been able to respond in just this week alone , and for those my replies have bounced back with error messages: "sender does not exist".
I haven't been ignoring my inbox - I just haven't had any way to get back to you! And then of course, I have no way to reach out to tell you that, except to maybe post this here and hope you'll try again...
Nov 10, 2011: Deal of the Day - SAVE 50%!
I've decided to start having random sales again.
Today's special:
Marked down from $47.00 - NOW $23.50
Lollipop Factory
Oct 14, 2011: New Sales Items
I've just placed a whole new set of items in the SALE section - lots of stuff I'd like to clear out! Look there for some good deals!
Oct 02, 2011: Shop is reopening
OK guys, my wrist appears to be doing better though the fine motor skills are still a bit shaky (Things I miss the most: ability to blow my nose and wash my hair with both hands :P Nothing like a dumb injury like that to make one realize how much we take stuff for granted!)
I was able to do a little bit of work for the first time in a long while so I'm reopening the shop, but custom orders and wirework are going to be delayed a bit longer as I heal.
The cart should be working again for in-stock items though.
Sep 10, 2011: Back in Oregon
So we're back! Vancouver is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
I'm completely starstruck with the city and am really wanting to find a way to make it my home.
But we're back for now and the kids just started their new school - we came back just days before they were jumping into things so it's been a very busy week here.
Now the bad news is, just before we left, we went for a lovely bike ride along the seawall, and during that trip, I gripped my front brakes too suddenly on a slight slope and found myself flying over the handlebars headfirst into the pavement. Thank goodness I was wearing my helmet - I thank my lucky stars for that as I managed to end up with little more than a headache as a result.
And then my bike crashed down on top of me and I was sporting some lovely shades of Amethyst and Plum purples on my chin for about a week there. But for the most part, I got away in pretty good shape. The one exception being my left wrist, which I really smashed up and managed to sprain. I'm healing but it's a slow process and I've been told by the doctors that I'm not to do "strenuous activity" like opening jars for a while, so I'm wearing a wrist guard and generally being gentle with it.... which means that my ability to do wirework is a bit limited for a while.
But I am healing well enough that I should be able to open shop again at least for selling items I've already made, and for beadwork not involving heavy wire work. I have a hectic weekend to get through as we try to catch up on obligations that piled up over the summer, but I'm hoping that by next weekend I should be opening up again. Stay tuned...
Jun 28, 2011: Shop Closed for the Summer + our bread book!
So, my shop is closed until September as we finish up packing for travels. If you've noticed the jewelry stream has been quiet in general lately too, it's because I've been working on this project with my husband - an e-book for anyone who wants to learn how to bake bread!
It's finally published and I'm very excited about it!

The Fresh Loaf Pocket Book of Bread Baking
The Fresh Loaf Pocket Book of Bread Baking is a concise introduction to the art and science of bread baking. The emphasis here is not on teaching you how to bake specific recipes, though the ten recipes contained within span a broad range, from basic French bread to whole wheat sandwich bread to chocolate-filled brioche. Rather the thrust of this e-book is to empower you to understand why particular recipes produce specific results so that you can develop recipes and formulas on your own. More than anything, this e-book is about learning a fun new hobby which will have you creating delicious and surprising new treats for your friends and loved ones in no time.
Get the Kindle Version here from for $4.99.
A Nook edition is available on Barnes & Noble's website for the same price.
By the way, if you don't have the device, Kindle and Nook e-reader apps are free and available for Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, and Window Phone. So you can buy and download books from those storefronts without actually needing a Nook or Kindle device.
Download the Kindle app for your platform here >
Download the Nook app for your platform here >
So, if you're considering starting out a new baking hobby, check out our little ebook for about the price of a loaf of bread :)
Wishing you all a lovely summer!
Jun 25, 2011: Last Chance before Summer Break!
I'm closing shop tomorrow as we're now very busy with the packing and logistics of our summer break. I'll be back and plan to reopen once we're back in September after all the dust settles. I suspect I'll be antsy to get back to creating with lots of new ideas then!
Jun 01, 2011: It's Game Day! 20% off Stanley Cup Sale Event
Today is June 1st, GAME DAY!
Now, folks that have known me for a while will also be aware of the fact that we've been making quite a few visits of late to our neighboring Canada in the beautiful city of Vancouver in British Columbia. Well, this summer, we're actually going to take an extended visit there - we have a place lined up near the UBC campus where we're planning to spend a couple of months visiting the local sites and experiencing the culture.
Vancouver, meanwhile, is currently on fire with the status of their hockey team making it to the Stanly Cup finals! We're rooting right alongside them, and to celebrate the event, I'm having a giant 20% off sale for everything in my shop throughout the Stanley Cup finals.
Enter the discount code "
GOCANUCKSGO" where it says the "Redeem a gift code or coupon" in the shopping cart of my website before checking out to get 20% off your order.
May 29, 2011: Signs of Spring - photo post
We've been taking advantage of the few breaks in our weirdly wet weather to go explore our local signs of spring.
I've been meaning to share some highlight pictures, and we've been tweaking some layout details on the website a bit today, so this is a great time to share those with you all!

We did our annual trip to the tulip fields in April.

My daughter's comment: "Can you imagine if they were to do an Easter Egg hunt here?"
More recently, we did a tour which took us east along the Columbia River Gorge and then south to visit parts of central Oregon new to us.

The wildflowers are going crazy along the gorge right now!

In Central Oregon, we visited all three sections of the John Day National Monuments. This picture was taken at the Clarno unit. There are all sorts of fossils to be seen around here. In fact, one stop which we'd finally managed to get to do this year was to visit the town of Fossil, where there's a hill behind the high school where you can go and collect fossils. The nice folks over at the paleontology visitors center there helped us identify what we found! It was surprising how easy it was to find neat stuff - and it's the only place in the United States where visitors can dig for fossils!

After fossil hunting, we took a hike through the Sheep Rock unit of the monument park on the Blue Basin trail and it was like walking on another planet.
In fact, you start to feel that Oregon could easily have served as the set for most of the Star Trek series, as there are just so many places in this state that feel like another world.

The Painted Hills unit is no exception!

We look forward to new adventures and travels this summer!
Mar 30, 2011: I'm back!
I'm back in town and resuming service :)
We had a wonderful visit to our nation's capitol, saw many fantastic landmarks and a bunch of the Smithsonian museums. We even got to see the president's motorcade drive by - TWICE! I am sure the kids will remember it for a long time to come.

We also really enjoyed a break from our Oregon rain!
And then we went to Boston to see my sister's wedding.
My beautiful sister is married now - it was a lovely ceremony and a beautiful visit - and the whole wedding and preparations were absolutely fairytale perfect too - many lasting memories made on this trip!

Mar 15, 2011: Out of Town until April 1
My baby sister is finally getting married! We're heading back east to celebrate with the family! Both kids are excited about visiting and getting to take part in the wedding too.
I'm closing my shop since I'll be away from my jewelry and beading supplies for a couple of weeks - I shall resume normal business when I return at the
end of March. Until then, you can still get gift certificates emailed, but orders are on hold. I can reserve a special piece if you have your eye on it and want to claim it, but no orders are going out and I can't do custom orders until I get back.